Learning how to use descriptive language in our narrative.

WALHT : We are learning how to use descriptive language in our narrative.
SC : Have I used any adjectives, similes and sailing in your canoe in search of new lands. What will you encounter?

300BC, I travelled many oceans making it to land by land. I encountered many dangers and still survived, the sun went down and the moon rose up also revealing the bright stars. How do I find new lands? I follow oceans and the stars, it’s easier that way since now I know my way. Suddenly, I encountered something very dangerous, It was a very large octopus with large and huge tentacles but at first I didnt notice it until I saw its shadow thinking it was a new island to discover but no it was a Kraken. The Kraken was terrifying. Its tentacles started attacking my ship, I tried to turn the boat with the wheel and I ended up escaping the Kraken and I never went back that path ever again.

My experience at Motat

Friday August 11th 2023,


Motat is situated in Auckland. Motat is a Museum of Travel and Technology. Motat is often visited by multiple different schools, I think that taking a trip to Motat is a fun experience for all students especially little kids when it’s their first time being there.

Motat holds many different experiences for everyone however I do think that there can be some changes that can be made around there. I believe if we change things around there, more intermediate students might be more attractive. But again in my opinion the only thing I loved at Motat was the tram ride, although it was crowded it was still a fun ride and I went with my best mates anyway so I loved it 10x more.

So overall I do recommend coming to Motat because it is a good & fun experience.

Public or Private ?

TASK DESCRIPTION : For today, me and my class did a google slideshow about what things we need to put in the boxes : Public and Private. Public is like when everyone can see you outside or on the social media, Private is the opposite. Private is when you can only view it or never tell anyone your private stuff on the internet and anything else, etc. But we all had to put examples of what you put in the boxes because it was for a blog, but I hope you enjoy this blog-post !!

Monster About Me

Task Description: For today, My class made some Cybersmart monsters last week. This week we were all finished with our monsters and used a template for our About me Monsters, We all made different stories up to give the monster more vibe. This is how it turned out to be.

Gamarjoba! (Hello)
My name is Caca, I am 21 Years old.
I’m One of the ghosts from scream. I do something very unique. My unique thing is to kill little dogs and I cook them and eat them. I also do the same thing with little kids, I stalk them and I kill them and I also kidnap their parents and I eat it infront of them. After that I kill and eat both of them, I will also call it a day and sleep in the woods.
My favourite subject is to make parents eat their kids in a nice big bowl in a big white room in the middle of nowhere.
Is to watch little kids when they go sleep.


About me 2023

Malo e lelei, Welcome to my blog

My name is Helen, I’m currently a Year 8 student that attends Ruapotaka School.My Ethnicity is Tongan, Samoan and Maori. I Have 2 other younger siblings, My Mum is Tongan / Samoan and My Dad Is Maori.My Favourite subjects are reading and writing because sometimes we get to read and write really fun stuff and heaps of other things. I love to do it with my friends because I feel like all my stuff will get completed by the power of friendship.My hobbies are binge watching Kubz scouts, His Name is Jay and he is one of my favourite youtubers and the most favourite thing I like to watch him play is Yandere Simulator.

Embedding learning into our Blogs

Embedding Google docs

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is What I do with my class or what I did by myself.

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below

Bookmarking our Learning Site

Today our class was sorting out our Digital bookmarks on our Devices, Its important to have your bookmarks set up for your learning of the new year. Its Because you need to be at the Right area the Right place and the Right time.

Instead of deleting our old bookmarks we moved them and created a new folder named “School folder 2023” and moved our old folder from last year into our new Folder, Its the main links that we added to our 2023 folder so we could get a faster way of getting there instead of having to type it up.